Private Rental: 146/117 Studio Lane, Docklands, VIC 3008

DOCKLANDS Carpark for Rental
The Phone Code for this property is: 32828. Please quote this number when phoning or texting.

This secure upper basement 1 car parking is located at 117 Studio Lane, DOCKLANDS and is NOW available for lease.

Close to everything - shops, restaurants, hotels, trams, etc. Ideal for someone who works nearby.

Carpark entry through Docklands Drive access is via fob system.

Rental is for 3, 6, 12-month booking. Early termination requires a minimum of 28 days' notice in advance. Bond required.
Property Type: Apartment
  • 1 hotel
  • 1 hot_tub
  • 1 directions_car
Mobile: 0488 839 724
Enter Phone Code when prompted.

Rent Street

Rent Street