About 'Rent Street'

Rent Street | Advertise Rental Property Without An Agent in Australia

Rent Street provides services to landlords who want to advertise their properties and find tenants without using the services of a traditional real estate agent. We help you advertise your property on all the main real estate websites, including realestate.com.au and domain.com.au In additional to online advertising, we can also provide you with rental appraisals, ‘For Rent’ boards, and tenancy screening, using the National Tenancy Database.

We provide you with a simple and easy-to-use online dashboard that allows you to control the whole process yourself. You can easily manage your advertisement and make changes whenever you like. All changes flow through seamlessly to all the sites on which we advertise without needing manual intervention from us. You’re in complete control.

Rent Street has one of the most advanced enquiry processing systems in the industry. Most enquiries are processed in real-time, with SMS alerts and emails being sent to you within minutes of someone making an enquiry, 24/7. In addition to this, we provide a phone code system so process phone and SMS enquiries just as effectively as online enquiries.

If you’re a landlord and are looking to advertise your property yourself, Rent Street is the perfect solution for you. Find out why an ever-increasing number of Australian landlords are using Rent Street. We’re excellent at what we do, and we would love to have you on board!

Rent Street

Rent Street